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FinTech Foundry
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About Us

In the dynamic world of fintech, or financial technology, the narrative has shifted from viewing fintech as a disruptive threat to embracing it as an essential part of the financial services industry. This evolution is exemplified by the comprehensive approach of A&O Shearman's Fintech practice, which has established a significant presence in major Fintech hubs and financial centers globally. We advise a diverse clientele, including financial institutions, high-growth companies, leaders in technology, corporations and investors, to navigate the intricate fintech landscape. 

The Fintech practice at A&O Shearman has a cross-disciplinary team of lawyers with extensive experience spanning regulatory, investment advisory, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, cybersecurity, capital markets, finance, human capital, emerging growth, and litigation. Our collective backgrounds, which include tenures as government regulators, in-house counsel and outside counsel to industry specialists, together with our established relationships with regulators globally, provide our clients with a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the legal and regulatory challenges inherent in the fintech ecosystem.

In addition to traditional fintech, our capability extends to digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and initial coin offerings (ICOs), which are built on blockchain or distributed ledger technologies.  While these digital assets present opportunities for business innovation and product development, they come with a complex set of legal and regulatory considerations around their creation and use. A&O Shearman's team has a deep understanding of the technology and business landscapes to advise on a wide array of legal and regulatory issues surrounding digital assets. We stay on top of the latest trends and legal developments to help our clients.

In a sector where digital transformation is paramount, fintech players must navigate a heavily regulated financial services industry with a clear competitive edge. As the market matures, the difference between success and failure increasingly hinges on achieving regulatory compliance, forging the right partnerships at the right time on the right terms, and driving adoption through an excellent user experience. A&O Shearman is a firm that can guide market participants through the complex business and legal issues in this thriving sector globally. 

Contact a member of the FinTech Foundry team to learn more.